Junior Livestock Auction
2024 JLA Champion Animals Raised By:
Rabbit -
Goat -
Lamb -
Beef -
Poultry -
Beef - Pre-Weigh-in: TBA
Beef - Final Weigh-in: TBA
Sheep - Pre-Weigh-in: TBA
Sheep - Final Weigh-in: TBA
Swine - Pre-Weigh-in: TBA
Swine - Final Weigh-in: TBA
Goats - Pre-Weigh-in: TBA
Goats - Final Weigh-in: TBA
Poultry - Weigh in: TBA
Rabbits - Weigh in: TBA
Junior Livestock Auction - August 9th, 2025 - 11 a.m.
Exhibitors, take note and read the following document on how to market your animal:
Livestock Exhibitors accept great responsibility by raising an animal for the fair and learn a great deal about Agriculture in the process: Learn how to properly evaluate livestock quality through selection and purchasing of project animal Budgeting skills through purchase of animal, feed, housing, supplies, bedding, show/grooming supplies Daily Care (feeding, watering, cleaning) requires exhibitors to spend time with their project animals every day, sometimes two or more times per day Exhibitors assume total responsibility for their project, and are advised by project leaders, parents, and advisor